All About Life, Marriage, Parenting, Homeschooling as we walk our lives with Jesus
Sunday, August 28, 2016
Essential Vitamins from Nutri 10 Plus
We were blessed to receive our Nutri 10 Vitamins from Wert. I have been searching for a vitamin brand that I can give my active boys and Nutri 10 fits our needs.
Being a mom of four boys, we rely heavily with their daily vitamins apart from their eating habits.
Kyle, my 2nd son who is 10 years old loves to play basketball and is always on the move. He plays with his indoor hoop after studying.
My 2 toddlers Sean and Simone are very active day in and day out. They would ran, climb, dance, jump and play 60% of their day.
All of them loves to swim too.
With these active boys, they need all the vitamins and minerals to keep them healthy and protected.
Sean and Simone would not drink much milk anymore that is why the Chlorella Growth Factor of Nutri 10 plus will be a big help for them.
Growth is important to Kyle too as he aspires to be a good basketball player to glorify the Lord.
What I love about Nutri 10 plus is it has all the Vitamin B complex essential for a child's health plus it has Vitamin C and Zinc to keep them protected and immune system booster.
The kids love the ponkan flavor which made it much more easier for me to ask them to drink Nutri 10 plus. They would easily line up when I say it is time to have their Vitamins.
Since we are homeschoolers, we studied some active ingredients so my children would understand better the need of having all these nutrients in their body and what it can do for their health.
CGF (Chlorella Growth Factor) -
CGF provides your body with nucleic acids. A good supply of these special blueprint materials can save your body a lot of work. That’s because foods rich in nucleic acids have cell-protective properties to help support overall health and well-being; the body can absorb and use nucleic acid components directly.
Taurine -
It is the amino acid of anxiety control and stress management because it will lower cortisol and helps people sleep getter. It also improves athletic performance and reaction time, making it useful for athletes.
Lysine -
It is an amino acid (building block of protein). People use it to make medicine. Lysine is used for preventing and treating cold sores (caused by the virus called herpes simplex labialis). It is taken by mouth or applied directly to the skin for this use.
Zinc -
It used for boosting the immune system, treating the common cold and recurrent ear infection, and preventing lower respiratory infections. It is also used for malaria and other diseases caused by parasites.
Vitamins are one of our must haves and we are thankful that we were blessed to have Nutri 10 plus.
Though eating healthy food is the main gactor in taking care of our health. Drinking vitamins to keep us protected is our second way of being good stewards of our body. God entrusted pur children to us and as parents we always need to give them what is essential for their health so they can grow to do glorifying works for the Lord.
"but I discipline my body and make it my slave, so that, after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified." - 1 Corinthians 9:27 NASB
Friday, August 12, 2016
Homeschool 201
We were blessed to have the support of our homeschool provider - Homeschool Global to better equip us as Parent Teachers.We had a workshop today about Curriculum Mapping.
This is very useful for us so we can always be on track with our goals and follow a timeline.
It will also help us to prevent redundancy and plan what needs to be taught.
I was struggling on doing a lesson plan this year especially that I am doing multilevel homeschooling.
Curriculum mapping will serve as a blueprint for our school year.
HS 201 is a 4 week training every Friday that will discuss different topicss.
I have started doing our lesson plan for this year and I was delighted when the speaker talked about integrating the Bible with Math, Science and other subjects.
We have been using the Bible as our main textbook and it reveals so many learnings for us.
Application is also important with what we have learned.
Learning applied is wisdom.
We are homeschooling our children from the moment they wake up until they sleep at night. It is all about life and the world is our big school.
Tell me and I forget
Teach me and I remember
Involve me and I learn
- Benjamin Franklin
I am excited to learn more with the upcoming trainings and what God has in store for us. Indeed when God called you to do something he will equip you.
" Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it" Proverbs 22:6
" Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it" Proverbs 22:6
All Praise and Glory to God
Thursday, August 11, 2016
Are your Circuits too Busy?
Are your Circuits too Busy?
I was so blessed today with the devotion that I read from You Version a Bible App that you can download in Google Play for Android and the App Store for Iphones and Ipads.
The titles is "Hearing the Voice of God" a devotional by Rick Warren.
I felt like sharing the content of today's devotion because it gives us a reminder not to allow our lives to be clogged and be too busy that the noise in our hearts and minds are so loud we cannot hear God.
I was convicted as I read the content of the devotion.
Guilty as charged.
Many times in the morning my circuit will be busy thinking about our plans for the day, activities especially if we need to go somewhere. Thoughts would ran into my mind VS clearing it up so I will be ready with my Quiet Time.
God is so good. He taught me that my day is all about Him.
The moment I wake up. I learned to asked the Lord " How can I please you today? What can I do for you today?
More of Him less of me.
However there are times that when I sit in our study table I will start to think of a lot of stuff rather than meditating in His Words first. Like today, He got me covered. He has all the answers with my plans and worries. All I need to do is to allow Him to consume me first so I can Hear Him.
He has my life planned. He knows when I needed feeding for my spiritual life and He will always come to the rescue. God knows when we needed a reminder so we will always be On track.
He is an amazing God.
The weeds in our lives make our minds too crowded that when these weeds started to grow, we need to be quiet and be intimate with the Lord.
Our concerns and the clutter in our hearts and minds will be gone as soon as we allow ourselves to Hear His voice. Loud and clear.
As this devotion blessed me today. May this be a blessing to you too. Sharing it here on my blog.
Are Your Circuits Too Busy?
Read today's verses.
You can’t hear God if your mind is crowded with other thoughts or concerns — particularly worries, plans, and activities. If you’re always listening to the radio or the TV, when God calls you, the circuits are going to be busy. You’ve got to eliminate the distractions.
Jesus says in Luke 8:7, “Some other seeds fell where thornbushes grew up and choked the plants” (CEV).
The kind of soil with weeds in it was actually planted with crops and begins to grow. But as it grows, weeds grow up around it, and the weeds begin to choke out the life of the vegetable or the plant, so it never bears fruit.
Here’s what Jesus says is the meaning of Luke 8:7: “The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life’s worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature” (Luke 8:14 NIV).
There are three things that choke out hearing God:
Worry. Worries are weeds. When you’re so busy with the problems and pressures of daily living, it makes it harder to hear God.
Riches. You can be so busy trying to pay your bills, so busy trying to get out of debt, so busy trying to make more, and so busy making a living that you don’t make a life.
Pleasure. There’s nothing wrong with pleasure. But God said that when you’re so busy pursuing fun, you miss him and his plans for your life.
You don’t have to cultivate weeds. They grow automatically, don’t they? In fact, weeds are a sign of neglect. If you see weeds in your yard or garden, it means you’re not tending your yard or garden. The weeds in your spiritual life are a sign that you’re neglecting time with God.
Read today's verses.
You can’t hear God if your mind is crowded with other thoughts or concerns — particularly worries, plans, and activities. If you’re always listening to the radio or the TV, when God calls you, the circuits are going to be busy. You’ve got to eliminate the distractions.
Jesus says in Luke 8:7, “Some other seeds fell where thornbushes grew up and choked the plants” (CEV).
The kind of soil with weeds in it was actually planted with crops and begins to grow. But as it grows, weeds grow up around it, and the weeds begin to choke out the life of the vegetable or the plant, so it never bears fruit.
Here’s what Jesus says is the meaning of Luke 8:7: “The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life’s worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature” (Luke 8:14 NIV).
There are three things that choke out hearing God:
Worry. Worries are weeds. When you’re so busy with the problems and pressures of daily living, it makes it harder to hear God.
Riches. You can be so busy trying to pay your bills, so busy trying to get out of debt, so busy trying to make more, and so busy making a living that you don’t make a life.
Pleasure. There’s nothing wrong with pleasure. But God said that when you’re so busy pursuing fun, you miss him and his plans for your life.
You don’t have to cultivate weeds. They grow automatically, don’t they? In fact, weeds are a sign of neglect. If you see weeds in your yard or garden, it means you’re not tending your yard or garden. The weeds in your spiritual life are a sign that you’re neglecting time with God.
When all the circuits are busy, you need to get quiet.
The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life’s worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature. - Luke 8:14
Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up with it and choked the plants.
Luke 8:7
All Praise and Glory to God!
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Graceful Mess Homeschooling Day
I stayed late last Tuesday night preparing our lesson plan for our homeschool.
I needed to have a lesson plan for our homeschooling so I do not need to cram.
For days, I prayed for the Lord to lead me in our studies. There's a lot of books and curriculum to choose from and my time was consumed by looking for the best books to use.
But God led me in using the Bible as our main textbook. We are studying the book of Genesis and it keeps us closer to God studying The Creation and incorporating it with Science, Geography, Math and with other subjects.
We used other resources too.
Because of sleeping late I experienced the consequence of waking up at 8am and I needed to be ready for our homeschool by 10 am. I was like Lord I need your strength.
I have been teaching Kyle about responsibility and punctuality. He should be ready for our homeschool by 10 am and so am I. But I was rushing today, with more than a dozen of bottles to clean at 9am plus I needed to give Sean and Simone a bath, mop the floor and cook lunch. Aside from that, I needed to photocopy their worksheets too.
Kyle has been diligent in following his call time.
By God's grace, all of us were ready by 10:10 am. I was 10 minutes late, while Kyle was ready on time.
As I was preparing I thought...Why was I not ready?
God was waiting for me to speak to Him, the moment I woke up.
And I missed our date.
It has been my goal to prioritize Him each day, to read His words and pray and have my Quiet time. I needed His grace, His presence to fill me.
"Apart from me, you can do nothing" - John 15:5
It is only through Him that I am able.
While I was rushing with all my chores. All I can do is pray, and He was merciful as He allowed my children to cooperate.
I was glad we were ready 10 minutes past 10am. We were all sitting in our study table and we began our day singing worship song and a prayer.
Kyle started with his Bible Reading and we discussed it afterwards.
Sean and Simone were able to finish their worksheets for the day. Though they were very competitive and would really ask for my attention, they managed to accomplish their work. There were little cryings on the side but we were able to settle it.
We do not allow them to watch T.V. until 6 pm. It allowed my kids to have more time to read too.
This would also mean a messy home instead. We had our toys everywhere and a lot of clutter. Looking at our messy home, it will usually stress me out. But I asked God not to allow the clutter of our home to distract me of my goal each day.
I prayed that these clutters will not enter my heart and result to a bad temper.
Only God knows my heart and He is answering all our needs as we surrender our homeschooling to him.
When God called me to homeschool I became more dependent on Him, asking Him to lead us each day.
Without His leading, we will be lost.
And I praise God that after so many days that I tried to train my toddlers and asked them to clean up they finally got it. Unlike before, when they would put back one toy, they would think they are done. Sean was more diligent in doing this while Simone is still work in progress.
We had our Read Aloud later in the afternoon. We are studying the Oceans as a group. We are following the story of The Creation and God revealed so many wonders of his power in creating all of these for His glory.
They love this colorful book from national geographic that we purchased through Kindle. It is cheaper and we need to minimize having all these books piling up as try to simplify our homeschool, plus we don't need to worry about it being ripped :)
We enjoyed reading " My First Big Book of the Ocean" together and learn more about it until they fell asleep. We do read alouds whenever I would like them to take a nap in the afternoon. It works for us :)
While they were sleeping I looked at our home and there were areas that were messy.
But at the end of the day, homeschooling is about filling their hearts with joy, love and laughter. The mess in our home is an easy fix. But fixing broken men will be harder.
More of our hearts, less the clutter of this world.
More of Him, less of me.
I am joyful and grateful that I gave this season of my life to the Lord and to our family. It is the desires of our hearts to see our children growing with the Lord and becoming God fearing men that will be discipler of Jesus.
All by God's grace.
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" - Philippians 4:13
" I have no greater joy than this, to hear my children walking in truth" - 3 John 5:15
All Praise and Glory to God!