
Thursday, October 20, 2016

Nature and Homeschooling

Few weeks ago we were blessed to go to Baguio to attend an enrichment seminar for couples.

My children took advantage of this time off. Aside from doing a travel journal we enjoyed experiencing our nature study.

Days before our travel, I prepared what we needed. Our goal is to be more productive with this trip and learn at the same time. After all, our world is our school. I was able to get our printables from pinterest and I also added some to keep our trip aligned with our goal. We covered Theology, History, Geography, Language Math and Science.

During the road trip, we made sure our kids will enjoy God's beautiful creation. We had our game "Mommy says" wherein they need to point out animals that they have seen and then I will ask them who created those animals and they would say God. Creation was the beginning of everything that is why we want to instill in our children's mind that everything was from the Lord, all they see are His and for Him.

"The earth is the LORD's, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him." Psalm 24:1

Everyone participated as my husband was also talking about God's goodness along the way. The trip was a blessing from the Lord and we wanted our children to see and enjoy God's creation. We wanted them to feel that we have a gracious living God who designed everything, connecting them with the Lord through this experience.

With all the family trips that we had before, this is one of the most meaningful one. We did not allow the 4 hour drive to keep us idle but instead to learn and see God's graciousness in our lives.

Kyle also made his own drawing on what he saw from our hotel's view

Sports was also included, they played Bowling and mini golf for kids.

On our 4th day, we explored nature by doing our nature walk.

My children were very observant, looking at each flowers and trees. It was fulfilling that I am able to do this with the kids. I would always ask my toddlers who made each plant or animals they saw. They would call me and point out on God's creation that caught their eyes and attention.

The view was very beautiful and there were flowers, crispy leaves and tall trees everywhere.

We enjoyed and we were amazed watching the bees. They were sipping nectars and then will transfer from one flower to another. I talked about pollination while observing.

We also saw some mushrooms and moths.

The best part was when they saw a colony of ants following one trail in getting food. They loved watching and observing how they were moving. I mentioned how hard working ants are in storing their foods for the rainy season.Kyle remembered reading about this in the book of Proverbs.

We recorded everything using our Nature and Travel Journals

The breeze of the air was so cozy and we can hear birds chirping while enjoying the beauty of nature. Looking and observing around seeing God's creation brought us closer to the Lord. We can feel and see how sovereign He is for only a one true God can mold all living creations.

It will be a challenge to do this in the city but Lord willing there will be future opportunities to do something like this again.

This is just one of the joy of homeschooling that God blessed us with. Moments and life journey you experience with your children. Keeping their Love tank Full.

When we were called to have home education and obeyed His will we were certain that God will reveal His greatness.

"If home education is biblical and you have determined it is God's call for your family, then you can homeschool with confidence" - Clay Clarkson (Educating a Wholehearted Child)

"So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised" - Hebrews 10:1

All By His Grace!
All Praise and Glory to God!