
Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Where is your Harvest Field?

When I was a child, I remembered how we would go out in our farm to see and observe the growth of the rice that our farmer planted. I was even so scared to cross the bamboo bridge back then but the challenge was worth it. It was a beautiful scene to see the rice field. The plant sways as the wind blows.

For decades now I have not seen that rice field anymore. My parents turned it to a fishing pond and had it rented.

Living in the city limits me to see this kind of scenery. Only when we go out of town that I have the opportunity to see a rice field again.

How I would like my children to see this beauty of nature and God's creation. To run and play in the field.

It is also a wonder to witness how it was planted and until the day of it's harvest time.

In our season of life, Arnel and I has a different harvest field.

And God would like us to start with our family.

Our children is our first harvest and mission field.

It will take a while to see them bloom and to make a harvest of their own but in their growing years they need a lot of wisdom and understanding. We, as their parents need to be God dependent farmers of the seed that was planted in the hearts of our children.

So God can use us to allow these seeds to grow into Christlikeness.

Sometimes I am thinking what if they are already grown ups and can decide on their own. When our influence becomes lesser and lesser to them. Will they grow fullfilling God's mission?

We do not know. Only God knows. P

Praying pervently for them is our main weapon.

Just like what our Pastor would say: We cannot pass on our Faith to our children. Faith is experiential. They need to have a personal encounter with Jesus.

Letting them know how God is teaching them in their daily experiences and what the Bible says about their situation would help them run the race. Reminding them too to fix their eyes on the price which is Jesus.

Our harvest field starts with our family then with others. It may take a while to win some souls for Jesus but praying for them will help a lot.

I somehow felt like giving up sometimes when I experience rejection in sharing Christ. But I realized that whenever I do, it's like I am nailing Jesus again from cross. He never gave up on me despite of my insuffiency. He allowed me to serve Him even if I do not deserve it.

How about you? Where is your Harvest Field?

"And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest." - Luke 10:2

Monday, April 3, 2017

The City Lights

There we were looking at the city lights while enjoying the company of each other.

My husband knows whenever I need a break. He takes me to places that he knew would give us positive thoughts.

Sometimes I feel discouraged and somehow feels not doing enough, not capable enough and not KNOWING Him enough.

When we entered the place it was our theme song playing. Wow, what a great plan you have for me Lord, I told myself. There was a cold breeze. A perfect time for a relaxing night.

As Arnel and I talked, we thought about our plans for us, our children, home and our service to the Lord. It was so joyful to dream Big and talk about what else can we do.

Our desire as parents, is for our children to grow in the grace of God and we continue to pray that they will be followers of Christ, and love Him with all their hearts.

When my child Simone fell off the stairs a month ago, I was awakened.

I had daily plans listed, my calendar is filled with my plans for the month, for the week and for the day. We planned on going for my son's theater arts that day but we ended up going to the ER to have my son checked.

I was reminded that it is His plan and not my plan.

And I remembered and shared to my husband how we can have a long list of our plans and desires, personal appetites...but have we tried to ponder and ask God....Lord, what is your plan for me? How can I bring glory to you?

Regardless how long our list is, how rigid we are in planning and how we persevere to achieve our plans. I realized that it is still the desire of the Lord that will prevail. His desires and not ours.

Then, I looked at the millions of city lights and remembered the Harvest.

There is so much to do and so many people we can draw closer to the Lord. Multiplying efforts in winning souls for Christ.

Adding more passion in presenting Christ to others.

"Being extra on fire to bear witness for Christ is not a request, but a command that needs obedience from those who claim that Jesus is their Lord and Savior."

I remembered the Apostle Paul, how intentional he was in sharing and encouraging the Philippians despite of him being in jail.

"If there's anyone who should strive to multiply the people that God is rescuing, it is none other than we who know Christ. If there is anyone who should proclaim the glory of Christ, it is none other than we who are followers of Christ." - Joey Umali

The wind became chilly as the moon moved deep into the night. It is so lovely to watch the glimmering lights and smell the cold breeze.

I felt refreshed and we ended with some plans we thought that whenever we have any plan, we pray about it and we should always say Lord willing...because it is only through His will that it can happen.

To seek Him and to KNOW Him who died and gave His life for us.

" To Live is Christ, To Die is Gain" - Philippians 1:21