All About Life, Marriage, Parenting, Homeschooling as we walk our lives with Jesus
Thursday, July 4, 2019
Sacrifice or Blessing
" For when I am weak, then I am strong" - 2 Corinthians 12:10
God allowed me the privilege of teaching my children many things in 5 years of homeschooling. During these years, however, my children also taught me several important lessons.
First, I learned to savour the joy of life's moment. Reading a story or having a time to talk was far more important than keeping the house perfectly organized and clean. Second, I learned to experience the wonder of God's creation through a child's excited eyes. Everything is fresh and new to a little one, and God desires me to experience each new day in the same way. Perhaps the most important lesson my children taught me was to have an unquestioning faith in God. Even when homeschooling cut the family income in half and then to none. My children's faith challenged me to trust God for every need. He is indeed faithful in everything. It is during these times that we experience God daily. Living by faith, trusting Him with all our needs. It is a daily miracle. Undoubtedly, I was the one who received the better education in our family's homeschool.
God's Word declares that if we choose to follow Christ in this life, we must be prepared to suffer. Showing the love of God to others isn't easy, and many times we may think God is asking too much of us. The blessings God imparts to those who desire to live godly lives in Christ Jesus, however, far outweigh the sacrificial obedience required in learning lessons in God's schoolroom. Not only does the Holy Spirit intercede for us on our behalf, but He also guides and fills us for each day's tasks. The more we deny ourselves and give through our service to the Lord, the more we experience the sweetness of his fellowship.
Have you experienced God's sustaining power and love in your homeschooling? When the days seem long and you feel like you've given everything you have to give, let the Lord show you a better way. As you allow Him to guide you, you will discover His promises are true and His blessings are far greater than any sacrifice you make. "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me." - 2 Corinthians 12:9
Excerpt from - Homechool Mom Bible
Sharing as it is exactly how I feel :)
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Before and After I Do
Before and After I Do
When I got married, I did not have enough knowledge on God’s design and my role as a wife. All I knew was I am in love and wants to have happiness. Unaware of the challenges that may arise, certain trials and challenges happened.
Gladly, we have this workshop now that can give a glimpse and lessons on married life. This is a marriage starter workshop to help couples learn the principles needed to have a wonderful and lasting marriage. It was four years back when we were able to participate in this workshop and we are still attending yearly because there is so much to learn. There were a lot of aha moments as we listened to each session and hearing it from experienced speakers.
We were indeed so blessed attending this as we have learned to know more about our roles as husband and wives. It was a life changing event.
This workshop is open to engaged couples, newly weds and all married couples. We were already married for 18 years when we attended and still learned tremendously.
I highly recommend this once in a year event and surely you will learn the how to’s and what to do before and after you say I do.
Here are more information about each session and speakers
Before and After I Do Will be on March 16,2019 from 8am to 4pm ( registration starts at 7am)
Mutipurpose Hall CCF Center Fontera Verde Pasig
Early Bird Rate - 2,000 per couple until March 6, 2019
Regular Rate - 2,500 per couple inclusive of buffet lunch, snacks, coffee and activity materials
See you there!
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
The Presidential Suite
Since day 1 that they had their fever we have been praying for healing. Resting in God’s sovereignity we knew we do not need to end up in the hospital. When Kyle was having hallucination on his first day of fever, I was freightened but I know the Lord will see us through. Simone on the other hand was also chilling and having a high grade of fever. We were just really down on our knees praying.
The following day we had them checked in a clinic nearby. The long line for sick patients was unbelievable. Feeling sick and weak they waited until night and finally the doctor was able to check on them and was advised to have some blood tests. Morning came and they had their blood extraction. The results came in late in the afternoon and we were advised to have a dengue test for the kids because of low platelet count and Kyle was having few rashes.
And so we did. We decided to take them to Medical City to get the results faster. After waiting for a couple of hours we were relieved that it was negative. But the doctor advised us to have the kids admitted in the hospital because of low platelet count and they were reddish and dehydrated. They said we cannot be complacent, with a negative dengue test result. Monitoring of their platelet count is best.
I was crying to the Lord because we knew that this is something we cannot afford at the moment. But still His answer to our prayer was different.
With no healthcard, God is teaching us to depend on Him instead. He is our healthcard.
They were waiting in the ER with no bed because of so many patients and was just sitting in a monoblock chair. We decided to obey with the doctors recommendation trusting God that He is in control. My husband then opted for a ward room only since it is the cheapest.
While they were in the ER our third child Sean started to have fever too. We were at home and I was wondering how we will be able to manage taking care of all of them.
It was a sleepless night for us. Our eldest son Ivan hurriedly went home too.
Arnel then told me to go to hospital by morning so we can all be together and help each other in taking care of the kids.
In God’s majestic ways, He surprised us...the hospital advised my husband that they will be given the Presidential suite and Executive Suite as their rooms because of no room availability. This is all worth 40,000 but we were only charged with the amount of a regular room. How amazing! Praise God!
When I entered the room I was amazed beyond words with what God has prepared for us. I can still vividly remember that first moment when we were entering the room, every glimpse of each corner was perfect. I wondered how much more the kingdom He has prepared for all of His children. Opening the door slowly and my eyes peaking inside, I can’t believe we have the best room at the highest floor with all the special assistance. When their pedia came to check on them she can’t believe it too that we were there.
We were beyond grateful that God provided for a comfortable room for us. The Presidential Suite was big enough to accomodate all six of us witnessing the daily sunrise and sunset.
It has a beautiful view where we meet with God. Our favorite spot where we kneel down and pray. It eased our burden. The heaviness in our hearts were lightened and assured by our Creator.
Apart from the room, the food and water was overflowing. Their food serving was a lot so we did not have to spend so much. Surprisingly, our visitors would always bring Jollibee food for the kids which is their favorite. God made us feel so special.
While we were confined I was asking God if we did not trust Him enough that is why we still ended in the hospital. But then He made me realized that His reason is not because of our desire or our prayer of healing but because He wants us to experience His majestic glory just like what He did with the Israelites on their journey to Canaan. God became our pillar of cloud at night and pillar of fire at day. It was a bittersweet journey.
For 5 days in the hospital God gave us the best room. We were never transferred into a regular room. That alone is because of His goodness and graciousness. He orchestrated everything.
But God was not yet done, each day He has something in store for us to experience that He is our God almighty.
What God taught us....
1. He is always in control. We pray for our desires and if the answer is no, He has a better reason and purpose, we may not understand it but we just need to keep on trusting Him.
2. Each situation is not about us. It is about WHO He is.
3. We felt our togetherness as a family that God allowed us to fit in one room and be with each other.
4. We felt so loved by people who graciously prayed for us. We received a lot of messages that they are praying for our family and we felt comfort and joy.
5. It was a humbling experience. From being a proud person swiping our healthcard before, we were left with nothing but God to depend on.
6. Patience and wait on the Lord. We wanted to be out of the hospital on our 3rd day but their pedia discharged us on our 5th day. It was God’s way in giving a treat for my husband to celebrate his birthday on our 5th day in a presidential suite with all of us being together and my kids were well and playing, that alone is one of God’s greatest gift.
7. God taught us that we can always find joy even in our darkest times. We danced, played and laughed. We chose to be joyful! It was a different staycation that God prepared for us but the lessons He taught us matters the most.
8. God comes before us. He already knew what will happen. He knew from the beginning that my kids will be confined. God was thinking about us, he knew that my husband will be celebrating his birthday there thats why he prepared the best room for Him. Amazing!
9. God pursues us. He wants us to know that He would always have that gentle bond to pull us gently close to Him in our trying times. He wants us to find comfort in Him.
10. We felt God’s love through our spiritual family who cared for us, prayed, called and visited us. It was a loving moment to see and talk to someone in times of need. People who went on their way despite of their busy schedule to visit and pray for the kids. We were also so touched when one couple visited us, helped us generously, took us out to eat and reminded us not to be anxious. God used them to remind us to always have faith.
When we were discharged and I was looking at our bill I saw a big amount but did not realize how big our God is.
God lovingly provided, we received help without asking unexpectedly. For me, this is a miracle. God will send people who thinks about you and give wholeheartedly. Someone even went to the cashier to make a partial payment. It was humbling and yet fills our heart with love. We can hear God whispering to us...never will I leave you nor will I forsake you and He just did what He has promised.
My heart is beyond grateful.
I was able to understand why God allowed it to happen...He wants us to experience His presence and His majestic glory. His compassion through our spiritual family, friends, relatives, parents and siblings. He is my God and my Almighty Father.
I am in awe of His goodness and faithfulness.
During our 5 days in the hospital and seeing the vastness of His creation, God keeps on telling me “ Be still and know that I am God” - Psalm 46:10
What I felt was God’s unconditional and unfailing love. His undeserving to a sinner like me. He is beyond compare.
“ Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I shall rescue you, and you will honor Me." Psalm 50:15
All Praise, Honor and Glory to God!
Friday, January 18, 2019
Decluttering my Soul
Since the end of 2018 until the first 2 weeks we have been doing a house clean up. Living in a small space, we needed to free up some area so we can fit in. We checked every area of our house for unused items that can bless others. To be able to accomplish this, my husband and I tried our best to free up our schedule to focus on our priorities. We have noticed that we tend to dump a lot of items in our home and a major clean up is needed so we can have a fresh start.
I am not an expert in organizing our home. My husband is, and he does a better job in doing it. He checks our pantry for expired items and he does an inventory of what we have so we would know what we need...because the more stuff there is in our home, the more I become anxious and the more work that needs to be done. I am grateful that through our situation now, God taught us the simplicity of life by just living on what He blesses us with. If not for this, the more anxious and worried I can be.
But not just in our home, because of the extra load of the holidays I somehow felt overwhelmed. Routines may go by the wayside and clutter slowly takes over. I felt lost and needed some space and time to go back to our routines with life and homeschooling.
The same is true with activities. I have learned to say no to some invites and just choose what fits our family and our schedule. Freeing up some space in my calendar was a big help because the more activities that we have, the more hurried we feel, the more time was taken out from our family, the more possibilities I will not be able to have my quiet time with the Lord, the more our house gets into a mess and the more tired and weary I become.
When I am not at peace, nothing in our home is at peace.
Decluttering is not just for our home but for our soul as well. I have realized that my heart can be the same way —— cluttered with anxiousness, what ifs, worries, responsibilities, duties, concerns about the future, finances, frustrations, disappointments, critical attitudes, and negative mindset. All of these added together can tend to create soul piles and heart clutter. If I don’t take the time to sort them out, my spirit becomes a mess, and my heart becomes overwhelmed and weary.
So is our home, when my heart is a mess our home is a mess too.
It creates tensions, critical and temperamental emotions, misunderstandings, ugly words and unhappiness. A messy heart cannot serve a home joyfully.
This is the time when I allow the thief (Satan) to steal my joy.
At the beginning of the year, I ask God to help me clear my heart trashes. I wanted to start fresh so I can be at my best to all the people I encounter with.
I also made time to review and reflect on the year that was. Goals that I have missed and reasons why I missed it. Routines that I want to change and improve. Habits that we want to teach our children and values we want to impress in their hearts.
I think of things that I also want to improve and strengthen in major areas of my life:
Physical - our diet
Relationship - with husband, children, parents, relatives and friends
Spiritual - quiet time, ministry and discipleship
Growth - books to read, journaling and what to study
Finances - being a faithful steward
There is a long list if I will go through all that I want but I can only focus to 2 to 3 things at a time.
One important thing that I felt I needed to prioritised and thus needed much work is my relationship and intimacy with the Lord. If I wanted to grow deeper in His knowledge I have to work on my spiritual muscle.
This needed a morning routine.
I prayed and asked God for the grace to allow me to wake up early while everyone else is asleep. And He did.
I started waking up at 5am and would go out our balcony or have a morning walk to pray and smell the fragrance of the morning. This soothes my soul. Then I would prepare my hot coffee, play worship songs and will lit a candle, so I can start reading my Bible and devotion and journal my thoughts. It would always give me a good start and would fill my heart with what I needed before I greet my boys in the morning and face the day, but I needed to discipline myself too so I will be able to get up before the whole household does. If I want to be consistent with this routine I also needed to sleep early. We started to have our bedtime at 8:30pm to give us enough time for our bedtime blessing.
God made me understand that a daily quiet time is foundational and it shapes the soul. There were mornings that I still feel hurried but I would always discipline myself to sit down, slow down, worship, pray and read some Bible verses to help me through the day. Otherwise, I will be empty and will not have anything to give.
I felt that it is the most important thing that I need to keep me from giving of what is asked of me. If I missed it, I become temperamental and mood swings would kick in. Thus, the temperature in our home is affected.
After this first 2 weeks of quietness, I found what God needs from me. My heart, my priorities and my time. I would give Him the first hour of my day so He can fuel me for the rest that is to come.
As I was also trying to do my goals for this year, and prayed about what He wants me to do. God answered me in a fascinating way, making me realized that HE IS MY GOAL. If there is anything that I should pursue first, it is Him. Then everything will follow. To focus on what is eternal rather than the temporal.
“ You will seek me and find me if you search for me with all your heart” - Jeremiah 29:13
Establishing a quiet time routine is a positive lifetime habit. The most important habit above all else. Where we meet with God in the quietness of our hearts. It becomes a way of life.
The decluttering that I needed allowed me to know that God is my breakthrough. He cleanse my heart and He listens. I felt closer, loved and more intimate with Him. Just like the first days when I surrendered my life to Jesus. He renewed and recharged my soul.
Though as days past by, weeds may come into my heart again but I will always be reminded that Jesus has overcome everything that I needed and I can always go back at the cross, soaking in His love and listening at His feet. It is like being saved again. Yes, we always need Jesus to save us each time we fall. It is only by His grace alone.
Decluttering is going back to the cross. No one else can clean up the weeds and the trash in our hearts except Jesus. Come and spend some time with Him and receive His fullness and love.
“ Let the morning bring the word of your unfailing love for I have put my trust in you show me the way I should go for to you I entrust my life” Psalm 141:8