
Thursday, June 23, 2016

Learn and Play

Learn and Play

Yesterday we had a blast with our homeschooling coop. All boys homeschoolers from each family for now.

We started with our devotion and to make it more interesting we connected it with an egg experiment and had a trivia about brown eggs too.

Our Bible verse yesterday:

"You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again?" - Matthew 5:13

The jar represents the world we live in. The egg represents the children of God (us).

We asked each boy to put the coffee (for darker water color) and described how we are like the egg sinking into the world at times when we are disobedient.

Then we pulled out another jar with water and asked them to put salt in it. When we dropped the egg it floated.

After our devotion it was time for the kids to have their activity. Mommy Irinne prepared a Van Gogh type of art and she also gave a trivia about the artist and connected Math in computing for his age. Very creative Mommy :)

We needed to wait for their art to dry up before we can apply pastel colors. We decided to have our lunch first and the kids has their time in the playground after. And of course we had our coffee break, mommy talk and a short devotion from the book "How many times do I have to tell you" by Rachael Carman.

It is difficult at times to deal with the challenges that we go through but hearing each mom sharing their experiences and how they deal with it gave me more encouragement that they too experience the same but by God's grace we are overcomes and still not giving up on our children's challenges.

Stories about schedule, learning to love reading, study habits, were our main topic. We also talked about our marriage.

It was a rewarding time to have our homeschooling coop.

The kids had a blast playing and socializing together.

We saw how they tend to feel frustrated when they cannot do things right while they work and it was a blessing to see how other children responds and other techniques from the mommies in encouraging their kids.

We observed how our children interact, connect and handle misunderstandings with peers.
This was a major point for me because it helped me to see, know and to act with their untoward behavior. There were little misunderstandings while they were playing because each child is unique and may have their own likes and dislikes. But in the end they ended to sort things out and they are looking forward in seeing each other again.

Our prayer is for our group to grow in love with Jesus and may we have more meaningful meetings and a Christ centered relationship.

To God be all the Glory!

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