
Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Come Here

Few weeks ago my youngest son Simone fell off the stairs.

He was rushing to go down and was not minding my husband's call until he slipped and fell for like 4 steps.

"Come Here" my husband keeps on calling him. But there was no answer and all that Simone was aiming is to go down.

I was shocked with the scream of my husband seeing Simone with a big "bukol" on his forehead. All I can do is pray. We rushed him to the ER and requested for prayers from our spiritual family. By God's grace he was active and was not complaining of anything.

After the doctor examined him and waited for few hours while they observed, we were released. I felt and saw how Arnel was devastated with the incident. I know I was to blame because as a mom I am primarily responsible of taking care of my children.

When we arrived home, we had a family meeting and thought of how can we prevent something like this. I told my husband that I will make sure they will hold on me while they are going down.

I have realized that no matter what plan we have only God knows what is really in store for us. And I praise God for He was in control.

Few days after the fall he was showing me his drawing he said that the black ones are the bad guys and the others are the good guys.

He was able to hold my son while he was falling.

Many times we call our children "Come Here" but they do not listen.

I am also like them with our Heavenly Father.

He calls on me..."Come Here"

But sometimes I ignore Him and would still go on my way.

Coming on their way is sometimes difficult for our children and so with us.

Just like Jonah, God asked him to come to Nineveh for a big job but instead he went away, sailed in a ship and went on a different way.

And whenever we do not come and respond to His call there will always be a consequence in not abiding to His will.

"God is the same way with me. When He calls, He wants me to respond because of who He is, not for what He might give me.

He calls in quiet moments, when I’m awed by a sunrise. He calls in the chaos of a busy day.

He calls me at the crossroads of decision.At sunrise He reminds me that He’s the Creator God.

In chaos, He tells me He’s the Prince of Peace. At the crossroads, He extends His strength as I make a choice.“Come here!” He calls.

But too often I rush to the phone instead of the throne. Rather than going to the Bread of Life, I race to the world’s empty pantry.

Instead of talking it over with Him in prayer or seeking His will in His Word, I consult other sources for worldly wisdom." - Rachel Carman

"Come Here" the Lord says I want to show you and make you feel how much I love you.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Sports Thursday

Intentional discipleship comes with modeling sports and motivating these learners.

But what Motivates them?

They love playing and Sports :)

My husband and I decided to spend more time in playing sports with the kids. It is one way of moivating and encouraging them. My eldest and I played badminton while the rest of the boys played basketball with their Dad. Arnel is good and energetic in sports that is why we are banking on this hobby. We were up early to make sure we will be at the venue by 8am.

We had fun and laughter despite of the body aches for being first timers.

It was appreciating to know that even if my eldest Elijah is not a sporty person gave his full energy, he said he have to since it it is a family activity and you do not want to spoil the moment. The more that we learned from him that loving someone means going out of your way despite of the inconvenience. We also felt encouraged and motivated. I Praise God for my son!

"It is far more important to determine a person's MQ than IQ - their motivational quotient rather than Intelligent quotient" - Law of Encouragement

Watching my kids play and enjoy the morning time gave me joy and a thankful heart that we have the opportunity to do this with our children. Living and loving them.

After an hour, everyone was sweating, hungry and thirsty...but we all have a heart full of love.

My children becoming my best friends and heartfelt companions.

All because of the loving grace of God!

"Choosing to be content, learning to reach for God instead of happiness, celebrating life with my children, learning to endure with GRACE." - Sally Clarkson

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Amazing Grace

Last year we started doing our Morning Basket. It's like our Morning time daily habit in our homeschooling.

We always start with singing worship songs, it includes understanding the meaning and learning the message.

It also includes devotion, memory verses, read alouds and reading their preferred books.

This usually takes us an hour in the first part of our homeschooling day.

It is my favorite part of our homeschooling time as we prepare our hearts in our homeschooling by singing songs of worship.
This is also when we share ideas and then they throw in some questions. I just love seeing my children reading books together.

I remembered when Kyle told me that Amazing Grace is his favorite song. I asked why and he said " because we do not deserve grace but even if we do not deserve it Jesus died for us and saved us that is why it is an amazing grace." One of the reasons why we homeschool.

I heard this once and would like to share it "homeschooling is not our savior but it allowed us to know our Savior" - Edric Mendoza

God used homeschooling so together as a family we can seek Him and find His heart in our lives.

For our todders they love singing Jesus Loves me over and over :)

This month we are also studying Good Good Father by Chris Tomlin. The song touched my heart the first time I heard it and would like to impart it in my children. In their young age, I would like to instill in them that they have a God who is a great father and when in times of doubt and need they will remember this song that would remind them of His great love.

Singing and studying worship songs not just sets our children's heart but it also plants a seed that they will carry on in their life journey.

All Praise and Glory to God!