
Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Amazing Grace

Last year we started doing our Morning Basket. It's like our Morning time daily habit in our homeschooling.

We always start with singing worship songs, it includes understanding the meaning and learning the message.

It also includes devotion, memory verses, read alouds and reading their preferred books.

This usually takes us an hour in the first part of our homeschooling day.

It is my favorite part of our homeschooling time as we prepare our hearts in our homeschooling by singing songs of worship.
This is also when we share ideas and then they throw in some questions. I just love seeing my children reading books together.

I remembered when Kyle told me that Amazing Grace is his favorite song. I asked why and he said " because we do not deserve grace but even if we do not deserve it Jesus died for us and saved us that is why it is an amazing grace." One of the reasons why we homeschool.

I heard this once and would like to share it "homeschooling is not our savior but it allowed us to know our Savior" - Edric Mendoza

God used homeschooling so together as a family we can seek Him and find His heart in our lives.

For our todders they love singing Jesus Loves me over and over :)

This month we are also studying Good Good Father by Chris Tomlin. The song touched my heart the first time I heard it and would like to impart it in my children. In their young age, I would like to instill in them that they have a God who is a great father and when in times of doubt and need they will remember this song that would remind them of His great love.

Singing and studying worship songs not just sets our children's heart but it also plants a seed that they will carry on in their life journey.

All Praise and Glory to God!

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