
Wednesday, November 29, 2017

My Solution to a Bad Hair Day

This is a sponsored post. All opinions are mine

As a homeschool mom with four boys I needed to take care of a lot of stuff. Having said that, I would always loose time in taking care of my hair and make up. Though make up is easy, my real problem is my long curly hair. I feel so ugly whenever my hair is going everywhere and I am experiencing a bad hair day. This would always cost me a lot of time to prepare whenever I needed to dress up. It even makes it harder as my hair is also thin and umanageable.

And there's husband would love me to have a long straight hair, when we had our wedding 2 years ago I wore a thick wavy wig that was really stylish and classy. He likes it and even recommended that i use one. This was my first time to wear a wig and I love the result. It gave me an idea that wearing a wig can be my solution to a bad hair day.

Let me share with you some advantages of wearing a wig:

1. No more bad hair days :)
2. Hides split ends and other hair problems
3. Convenient and Time saver
4. Practical - no need to go to a salon to fix your hair especially on your date nights and other special events.
5. Stylish - you can always mix and match your hair with your outfit and have a beautiful look.
6. Safe to use - there is no harm in using wigs just make sure that it fits your head and wash your hair regularly.

I also came across in this website lace front wig and they have the latest in styles. As I was browsing the pictures I fell in love with the different hair styles that I can get when I invest on their products plus you can order it online

For ladies like me who is also not comfortable in cutting or changing hairstyles, I would recommend using wigs as an alternative.

Say goodbye to bad hair days and say hello to a new stylish hair with these beautiful products from

I am excited to try and use one!

A Love Letter to God

Dear God,

May went by in a bliss, Lord! I got too busy with a lot of things instead of being busy in knowing you...

For some days I felt lost.

But I praise you for never giving up on me. For feeding me and quenching my thirst.

You are the lover of my soul, Jesus!

Today we started good and ended good with our homeschooling however we were not able to strictly follow our time table. But no chaos though. Smooth sailing except for the FB chats that I should have set aside.

Read aloud books for tots and found a good experience in studying Philippine Heroes with Kyle

Thank you Lord for Simone's heart thinking of making a lego heart for me :)

I need to focus on you Lord and guide my kids to learn and know you more before we master any subject. Please guide me Lord!

Thank you for reminding me that Knowing you and having a Love relationship with you cannot be found in the kitchen table.

For the time I started to listen to Having a Mary Heart in this Martha World and helping Arnel in preparing his message in our D12 my heart was full.

Help me oh Lord in building a love relationship with you! I need you to flourish my heart.

Thank you for allowing me to slow down and think about you today.

Thank you for bringing my husband home safely and please sustain him spiritually and physically. Lead him Lord that he may find confidence in you and he may seek you.

Please help me to be a mom after your own heart. Help me to guard my tongue and to prepare for Chosen.

I Love You, Lord!

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Love Came Down

It's been a while since the last time I blogged and posted personal stuff in my social media account and FB page.

I decided to limit my posts and just focus on God and what will be glorifying to Him VS posting a lot about myself and snippets of time that is happening in my life.

Quite a few months that I was able to do social media fasting and I was able to use my time with my most important family.

It made me feel more of a private person and just really share what is happening in my life with my family and the Lord. Instead of blogging about myself in public, I started to write my Love Letters to God and I felt His warm embrace each day.

I felt secured and content.

However few days ago, I had this conversation with my husband about sharing the gospel. Our church - Christ Commission Fellowship has a share the gospel to 33 persons until.the end of the year.

My husband achieved the goal in a week's time and even exceeded it, while I was left behind with a zero.

Eversince he started working, it has been his passion to share Jesus to others.

He reminded me that I can use blogging in sharing the gospel...and I prayed and thought about it.

Since I love to write and pour my heart in essays and stories why not really focus on doing it and use this gift for His glory!

Though this was my primary reason when I started my blog few years back however there was no clear direction back then.

I know the Lord will guide me as I do this work for be discerning and that He alone will be exalted for apart from Him I can do nothing.

And now I am back with a lot of thoughts in my heart to share. My prayer is that my blog will bless others and will see God's grace, goodness and faithfulness in our lives.

Using His gift for His purpose.

After all, it was the unconditional love of Jesus...that came down and rescued me :)

"By His wounds we are healed" - Isaiah 53:5

To the greater things!

All Praise and Glory to God!