
Wednesday, November 29, 2017

A Love Letter to God

Dear God,

May went by in a bliss, Lord! I got too busy with a lot of things instead of being busy in knowing you...

For some days I felt lost.

But I praise you for never giving up on me. For feeding me and quenching my thirst.

You are the lover of my soul, Jesus!

Today we started good and ended good with our homeschooling however we were not able to strictly follow our time table. But no chaos though. Smooth sailing except for the FB chats that I should have set aside.

Read aloud books for tots and found a good experience in studying Philippine Heroes with Kyle

Thank you Lord for Simone's heart thinking of making a lego heart for me :)

I need to focus on you Lord and guide my kids to learn and know you more before we master any subject. Please guide me Lord!

Thank you for reminding me that Knowing you and having a Love relationship with you cannot be found in the kitchen table.

For the time I started to listen to Having a Mary Heart in this Martha World and helping Arnel in preparing his message in our D12 my heart was full.

Help me oh Lord in building a love relationship with you! I need you to flourish my heart.

Thank you for allowing me to slow down and think about you today.

Thank you for bringing my husband home safely and please sustain him spiritually and physically. Lead him Lord that he may find confidence in you and he may seek you.

Please help me to be a mom after your own heart. Help me to guard my tongue and to prepare for Chosen.

I Love You, Lord!

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