
Wednesday, November 29, 2017

My Solution to a Bad Hair Day

This is a sponsored post. All opinions are mine

As a homeschool mom with four boys I needed to take care of a lot of stuff. Having said that, I would always loose time in taking care of my hair and make up. Though make up is easy, my real problem is my long curly hair. I feel so ugly whenever my hair is going everywhere and I am experiencing a bad hair day. This would always cost me a lot of time to prepare whenever I needed to dress up. It even makes it harder as my hair is also thin and umanageable.

And there's husband would love me to have a long straight hair, when we had our wedding 2 years ago I wore a thick wavy wig that was really stylish and classy. He likes it and even recommended that i use one. This was my first time to wear a wig and I love the result. It gave me an idea that wearing a wig can be my solution to a bad hair day.

Let me share with you some advantages of wearing a wig:

1. No more bad hair days :)
2. Hides split ends and other hair problems
3. Convenient and Time saver
4. Practical - no need to go to a salon to fix your hair especially on your date nights and other special events.
5. Stylish - you can always mix and match your hair with your outfit and have a beautiful look.
6. Safe to use - there is no harm in using wigs just make sure that it fits your head and wash your hair regularly.

I also came across in this website lace front wig and they have the latest in styles. As I was browsing the pictures I fell in love with the different hair styles that I can get when I invest on their products plus you can order it online

For ladies like me who is also not comfortable in cutting or changing hairstyles, I would recommend using wigs as an alternative.

Say goodbye to bad hair days and say hello to a new stylish hair with these beautiful products from

I am excited to try and use one!

A Love Letter to God

Dear God,

May went by in a bliss, Lord! I got too busy with a lot of things instead of being busy in knowing you...

For some days I felt lost.

But I praise you for never giving up on me. For feeding me and quenching my thirst.

You are the lover of my soul, Jesus!

Today we started good and ended good with our homeschooling however we were not able to strictly follow our time table. But no chaos though. Smooth sailing except for the FB chats that I should have set aside.

Read aloud books for tots and found a good experience in studying Philippine Heroes with Kyle

Thank you Lord for Simone's heart thinking of making a lego heart for me :)

I need to focus on you Lord and guide my kids to learn and know you more before we master any subject. Please guide me Lord!

Thank you for reminding me that Knowing you and having a Love relationship with you cannot be found in the kitchen table.

For the time I started to listen to Having a Mary Heart in this Martha World and helping Arnel in preparing his message in our D12 my heart was full.

Help me oh Lord in building a love relationship with you! I need you to flourish my heart.

Thank you for allowing me to slow down and think about you today.

Thank you for bringing my husband home safely and please sustain him spiritually and physically. Lead him Lord that he may find confidence in you and he may seek you.

Please help me to be a mom after your own heart. Help me to guard my tongue and to prepare for Chosen.

I Love You, Lord!

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Love Came Down

It's been a while since the last time I blogged and posted personal stuff in my social media account and FB page.

I decided to limit my posts and just focus on God and what will be glorifying to Him VS posting a lot about myself and snippets of time that is happening in my life.

Quite a few months that I was able to do social media fasting and I was able to use my time with my most important family.

It made me feel more of a private person and just really share what is happening in my life with my family and the Lord. Instead of blogging about myself in public, I started to write my Love Letters to God and I felt His warm embrace each day.

I felt secured and content.

However few days ago, I had this conversation with my husband about sharing the gospel. Our church - Christ Commission Fellowship has a share the gospel to 33 persons until.the end of the year.

My husband achieved the goal in a week's time and even exceeded it, while I was left behind with a zero.

Eversince he started working, it has been his passion to share Jesus to others.

He reminded me that I can use blogging in sharing the gospel...and I prayed and thought about it.

Since I love to write and pour my heart in essays and stories why not really focus on doing it and use this gift for His glory!

Though this was my primary reason when I started my blog few years back however there was no clear direction back then.

I know the Lord will guide me as I do this work for be discerning and that He alone will be exalted for apart from Him I can do nothing.

And now I am back with a lot of thoughts in my heart to share. My prayer is that my blog will bless others and will see God's grace, goodness and faithfulness in our lives.

Using His gift for His purpose.

After all, it was the unconditional love of Jesus...that came down and rescued me :)

"By His wounds we are healed" - Isaiah 53:5

To the greater things!

All Praise and Glory to God!

Monday, June 12, 2017

Blandina Her Story

One of the books we are reading together in our homeschooling is Trial and Triumph, a book about stories from church history.

My son also told me that this is his favorite book among all the others.

Few week ago, we read about the story of Blandina and some other Christians who were in prison. Blandina faced the snapping jaws of wild beasts rather than renouncing Christ.

Sharing with you some excerpts from the story....

Then the governor summoned Sanctus, a deacon of the church, from the crowd in the arena and asked,
"What is your name?" "I am a Christian," Sanctus answered.
"Where were you born?" asked the governor. "I am a Christian," Sanctus said.
"Are you slave or free?" "I am a Christian," Sanctus answered.
The soldiers started to whip and beat him, but still his answer to every question remained: "I am a Christian." The enraged governor ordered his body crushed between two red-hot copper plates. He died standing firm in his faith.

While reading the heartbreaking story my voice started to break and tears started to flow. After reading few lines again Kyle was also crying with me it touched our hearrs and felt how painful their suffering was. Our eyes were opened that there were early Christians who were persecuted but still stood with their faith and with Christ, while we are here having the freedom to proclaim our faith but we are not diligent in sharing the gospel and in talking about Jesus.

Oftentimes we have people around us that God gave and opened the opportunity to share the gospel but we say no to that privilege of being part of His harvest. We are saying no to God's invitation.

But these early Christians responded boldly and courageously in giving glory to God through their pain and suffering and through their lives.

These stories inspired us and made a mark in our hearts. God protected Blandina from the animals and through her life God was glorified.

When we answered God's call in our family to homeschool we thought we are only building the character of our children.

What we did not know is... it also God's way in allowing us to know The Savior more and more.

All Praise and Glory to God!

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Do you have a Blesseable Heart?

I was blessed to listen to a talk few weeks ago about depending on God and here are some of my learnings.

The Bible says " Blessed are the poor in spirit"

What does having a poor in spirit means?
I humbly depend on God instead of myself.
To be poor in spirit is having humility.

Do we depend on God? At all times?

Yesterday, we took our kids out to celebrate Kyle's birthday. The place we went to was full of fun, activities and it was like having a study tour.

For my kids last activity, I took my 2 kids to have some painting while Kyle was playing basketball and Arnel was watching him.

I asked how long the acitivity will take and the lady said 15 minutes so I said I will just come back.

I left and went to grab Kyle's CD and to take our bags to the ground floor near the basketball stadium.

When I went back to fetch my kids. They were gone.

I panicked instantly and told the girl in a condascending tone...I said I will be back!

Felt like going crazy that time.

I immediately called my husband to inform him that I lost them.

Then I asked one of the workers if they have seen my kids. It was easy to describe them since they were wearing identical clothes.

The worker said...they were taken at the Customer Service.

I ran to fetch them and from afar I saw my kids. In a proud tone, I said...Come on kids, let's go!

My kids ran to me and I asked what happened. They were both telling their version of the story at the same time.

The men in the customer service area approached me and I said " Why would you let them out when their fetcher was not yet around. They apologized and assured me that this will be look into.

While I was talking to them God was telling me...What are you doing? Will they see Christ in you with the way you are acting?

And it hit me...I failed! I was not blesseable :(

It gave me the urge to apologize immediately. My tone changed and I said " I am sorry I know it is not your fault"

I also went back to the lady in the art session to apologize.

It was not their fault. I should have made myself available after thesession. I should have waited. But my mind was clouded with doing other stuff instead of waiting.

My response was also not blesseable I panicked, instead of praying and resting in God's defense.

My husband told me that he did not bother to walk outside the stadium when he heard my call. He continued to watch Kyle. It was not because he does not care but he rested in God. He said that they cannot go out on their own and they cannot be taken because they have a security bracelet. I was convicted.

I heard God's voice asking me, What would Jesus do? What should you do?

And how I realized that I was not responding the way Jesus would do.

I did not have a blesseable heart. The way I acted did not bless others.

I was controlled by the circumstances not by the One who controls the circumstance.

I was not poor in spirit, despite of my failure I had a proud heart when I picked up my kids at the customer service. I should have been thankful because my kids were safe and they took care of them.

I could have depended on our ultimate Savior! But instead I allowed my emotion to control me.

To depend on our mountain mover versus the mountain.

I praise God that He is full of amazing grace. When I fail at times his mercies are new each morning and He allowed me to apologize and realized my mistakes.

This taught me that whenever we look or ask for blessings I need to look at my heart first and ask myself...Do you have a blesseable heart?

Psalm 146:5 " The Lord blesses everyone who trusts Him and depends on Him"

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Where is your Harvest Field?

When I was a child, I remembered how we would go out in our farm to see and observe the growth of the rice that our farmer planted. I was even so scared to cross the bamboo bridge back then but the challenge was worth it. It was a beautiful scene to see the rice field. The plant sways as the wind blows.

For decades now I have not seen that rice field anymore. My parents turned it to a fishing pond and had it rented.

Living in the city limits me to see this kind of scenery. Only when we go out of town that I have the opportunity to see a rice field again.

How I would like my children to see this beauty of nature and God's creation. To run and play in the field.

It is also a wonder to witness how it was planted and until the day of it's harvest time.

In our season of life, Arnel and I has a different harvest field.

And God would like us to start with our family.

Our children is our first harvest and mission field.

It will take a while to see them bloom and to make a harvest of their own but in their growing years they need a lot of wisdom and understanding. We, as their parents need to be God dependent farmers of the seed that was planted in the hearts of our children.

So God can use us to allow these seeds to grow into Christlikeness.

Sometimes I am thinking what if they are already grown ups and can decide on their own. When our influence becomes lesser and lesser to them. Will they grow fullfilling God's mission?

We do not know. Only God knows. P

Praying pervently for them is our main weapon.

Just like what our Pastor would say: We cannot pass on our Faith to our children. Faith is experiential. They need to have a personal encounter with Jesus.

Letting them know how God is teaching them in their daily experiences and what the Bible says about their situation would help them run the race. Reminding them too to fix their eyes on the price which is Jesus.

Our harvest field starts with our family then with others. It may take a while to win some souls for Jesus but praying for them will help a lot.

I somehow felt like giving up sometimes when I experience rejection in sharing Christ. But I realized that whenever I do, it's like I am nailing Jesus again from cross. He never gave up on me despite of my insuffiency. He allowed me to serve Him even if I do not deserve it.

How about you? Where is your Harvest Field?

"And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest." - Luke 10:2

Monday, April 3, 2017

The City Lights

There we were looking at the city lights while enjoying the company of each other.

My husband knows whenever I need a break. He takes me to places that he knew would give us positive thoughts.

Sometimes I feel discouraged and somehow feels not doing enough, not capable enough and not KNOWING Him enough.

When we entered the place it was our theme song playing. Wow, what a great plan you have for me Lord, I told myself. There was a cold breeze. A perfect time for a relaxing night.

As Arnel and I talked, we thought about our plans for us, our children, home and our service to the Lord. It was so joyful to dream Big and talk about what else can we do.

Our desire as parents, is for our children to grow in the grace of God and we continue to pray that they will be followers of Christ, and love Him with all their hearts.

When my child Simone fell off the stairs a month ago, I was awakened.

I had daily plans listed, my calendar is filled with my plans for the month, for the week and for the day. We planned on going for my son's theater arts that day but we ended up going to the ER to have my son checked.

I was reminded that it is His plan and not my plan.

And I remembered and shared to my husband how we can have a long list of our plans and desires, personal appetites...but have we tried to ponder and ask God....Lord, what is your plan for me? How can I bring glory to you?

Regardless how long our list is, how rigid we are in planning and how we persevere to achieve our plans. I realized that it is still the desire of the Lord that will prevail. His desires and not ours.

Then, I looked at the millions of city lights and remembered the Harvest.

There is so much to do and so many people we can draw closer to the Lord. Multiplying efforts in winning souls for Christ.

Adding more passion in presenting Christ to others.

"Being extra on fire to bear witness for Christ is not a request, but a command that needs obedience from those who claim that Jesus is their Lord and Savior."

I remembered the Apostle Paul, how intentional he was in sharing and encouraging the Philippians despite of him being in jail.

"If there's anyone who should strive to multiply the people that God is rescuing, it is none other than we who know Christ. If there is anyone who should proclaim the glory of Christ, it is none other than we who are followers of Christ." - Joey Umali

The wind became chilly as the moon moved deep into the night. It is so lovely to watch the glimmering lights and smell the cold breeze.

I felt refreshed and we ended with some plans we thought that whenever we have any plan, we pray about it and we should always say Lord willing...because it is only through His will that it can happen.

To seek Him and to KNOW Him who died and gave His life for us.

" To Live is Christ, To Die is Gain" - Philippians 1:21

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Come Here

Few weeks ago my youngest son Simone fell off the stairs.

He was rushing to go down and was not minding my husband's call until he slipped and fell for like 4 steps.

"Come Here" my husband keeps on calling him. But there was no answer and all that Simone was aiming is to go down.

I was shocked with the scream of my husband seeing Simone with a big "bukol" on his forehead. All I can do is pray. We rushed him to the ER and requested for prayers from our spiritual family. By God's grace he was active and was not complaining of anything.

After the doctor examined him and waited for few hours while they observed, we were released. I felt and saw how Arnel was devastated with the incident. I know I was to blame because as a mom I am primarily responsible of taking care of my children.

When we arrived home, we had a family meeting and thought of how can we prevent something like this. I told my husband that I will make sure they will hold on me while they are going down.

I have realized that no matter what plan we have only God knows what is really in store for us. And I praise God for He was in control.

Few days after the fall he was showing me his drawing he said that the black ones are the bad guys and the others are the good guys.

He was able to hold my son while he was falling.

Many times we call our children "Come Here" but they do not listen.

I am also like them with our Heavenly Father.

He calls on me..."Come Here"

But sometimes I ignore Him and would still go on my way.

Coming on their way is sometimes difficult for our children and so with us.

Just like Jonah, God asked him to come to Nineveh for a big job but instead he went away, sailed in a ship and went on a different way.

And whenever we do not come and respond to His call there will always be a consequence in not abiding to His will.

"God is the same way with me. When He calls, He wants me to respond because of who He is, not for what He might give me.

He calls in quiet moments, when I’m awed by a sunrise. He calls in the chaos of a busy day.

He calls me at the crossroads of decision.At sunrise He reminds me that He’s the Creator God.

In chaos, He tells me He’s the Prince of Peace. At the crossroads, He extends His strength as I make a choice.“Come here!” He calls.

But too often I rush to the phone instead of the throne. Rather than going to the Bread of Life, I race to the world’s empty pantry.

Instead of talking it over with Him in prayer or seeking His will in His Word, I consult other sources for worldly wisdom." - Rachel Carman

"Come Here" the Lord says I want to show you and make you feel how much I love you.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Sports Thursday

Intentional discipleship comes with modeling sports and motivating these learners.

But what Motivates them?

They love playing and Sports :)

My husband and I decided to spend more time in playing sports with the kids. It is one way of moivating and encouraging them. My eldest and I played badminton while the rest of the boys played basketball with their Dad. Arnel is good and energetic in sports that is why we are banking on this hobby. We were up early to make sure we will be at the venue by 8am.

We had fun and laughter despite of the body aches for being first timers.

It was appreciating to know that even if my eldest Elijah is not a sporty person gave his full energy, he said he have to since it it is a family activity and you do not want to spoil the moment. The more that we learned from him that loving someone means going out of your way despite of the inconvenience. We also felt encouraged and motivated. I Praise God for my son!

"It is far more important to determine a person's MQ than IQ - their motivational quotient rather than Intelligent quotient" - Law of Encouragement

Watching my kids play and enjoy the morning time gave me joy and a thankful heart that we have the opportunity to do this with our children. Living and loving them.

After an hour, everyone was sweating, hungry and thirsty...but we all have a heart full of love.

My children becoming my best friends and heartfelt companions.

All because of the loving grace of God!

"Choosing to be content, learning to reach for God instead of happiness, celebrating life with my children, learning to endure with GRACE." - Sally Clarkson

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Amazing Grace

Last year we started doing our Morning Basket. It's like our Morning time daily habit in our homeschooling.

We always start with singing worship songs, it includes understanding the meaning and learning the message.

It also includes devotion, memory verses, read alouds and reading their preferred books.

This usually takes us an hour in the first part of our homeschooling day.

It is my favorite part of our homeschooling time as we prepare our hearts in our homeschooling by singing songs of worship.
This is also when we share ideas and then they throw in some questions. I just love seeing my children reading books together.

I remembered when Kyle told me that Amazing Grace is his favorite song. I asked why and he said " because we do not deserve grace but even if we do not deserve it Jesus died for us and saved us that is why it is an amazing grace." One of the reasons why we homeschool.

I heard this once and would like to share it "homeschooling is not our savior but it allowed us to know our Savior" - Edric Mendoza

God used homeschooling so together as a family we can seek Him and find His heart in our lives.

For our todders they love singing Jesus Loves me over and over :)

This month we are also studying Good Good Father by Chris Tomlin. The song touched my heart the first time I heard it and would like to impart it in my children. In their young age, I would like to instill in them that they have a God who is a great father and when in times of doubt and need they will remember this song that would remind them of His great love.

Singing and studying worship songs not just sets our children's heart but it also plants a seed that they will carry on in their life journey.

All Praise and Glory to God!

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Finding Joy at Home

For the past few months our family started to have a family fun night at least once per week. It is part of our actions on being more intentional as parents. It started as a new bonding experience and now they are always asking for it. It gives us so much joy to see them being together and spending quality time.

Whenever we do our family fun night we either watch a movie or we play board games at home. It was a good initiative because the kids also had the chance to bond with their siblings.

We cook food either pasta or some wraps and ice cream. We prepare their favorite food or if time will not allow we would order pizza.

We chose Word for Word ( Scrabble) to be our board game of the month. It is educational and makes the kids really think. My 2 boys Elijah and Kyle are competitive. They would really want to beat each other, this gave us a chance to teach them about being a good sport and they are learning from the experience.

To make the game more exciting. We had an agreement that 3 consecutive wins will be a grandslam and the winner will be served by the losers. They team up to make sure we will not get a grandslam 😃

Aside from this we started to have our grateful tree last November. We wanted to cultivate a thankful heart in our children's lives. We studied the history of thanksgiving and how grateful we are that we live in a country where we can express our faith freely.

Our grateful tree grew as days pass by.

God also taught us to do SATs during our fun night. We learned this from our spiritual family. S stands for Sorry, A for Appreciation and T for thanksgiving. Though we have been doing the T, adding S and A will be a great practice. It is the best time to affirm our children more rather than being corrective most of the time.

Affirmation uplifts their spirit and creates a positive home atmosphere. They feel appreciated and special.

The first time we did our SATs, my 2 older son learned to apologize for things that they have done wrong for the week but failed to realize that they hurt or offended somebody. It is a good practice since they will be aware and be more tactful on how they speak.

As weeks past, we have added more board games in our list. The kids are enjoying it and they would always ask for our family fun night even if it is not a Monday. They look forward to it. They love spending the time with our family in playing, laughing and having a good conversation. In return, it helps us to know our children more.

As parents, we want our children to love our family and home. That they would find it as their comfort place and will not look outside to gain the joy that they can get at home.

It is an atmosphere that we want to develop. Having a positive environment full of love, affirmation and hope in God.

It starts with Jesus, when they have come to know the Lord and obey His teachings they were convicted to choose their friends.

Jesus sets the atmosphere in our home. He is the head of our house and the silent listener in every conversation.

I remembered reading this...when your child commits a mistake or whenever you want to correct them. Talk to them like how Jesus will talk to them. It impressed on our hearts to be more careful with the words that we speak because how we speak is how our children would speak too. We are their models.

By God's grace we want our children to have and to practice the habit of being thankful even in small things. To see the positive in every struggles. To have the habit of asking forgiveness and being forgiven. To speak words of affirmation and be appreciative with others.

Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny.
Stephen R. Covey

Every family needs to have intentional parents, we are still striving at this but being intentional helped us a lot to improve as a family. To be our children's friends and in their hearts they would know that here in our world we, their parents are their first best friends.

All Praise and Glory to God!