All About Life, Marriage, Parenting, Homeschooling as we walk our lives with Jesus

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

On 8:43 PM by A Bucket of Grace   No comments
When I was a child, I remembered how we would go out in our farm to see and observe the growth of the rice that our farmer planted. I was even so scared to cross the bamboo bridge back then but the challenge was worth it. It was a beautiful scene to see the rice field. The plant sways as the wind blows. For...

Monday, April 3, 2017

On 10:54 PM by A Bucket of Grace   No comments
There we were looking at the city lights while enjoying the company of each other. My husband knows whenever I need a break. He takes me to places that he knew would give us positive thoughts. Sometimes I feel discouraged and somehow feels not doing enough, not capable enough and not KNOWING Him enough. When...