Friday, February 5, 2016
On 2:05 AM by A Bucket of Grace No comments
This year we celebrated God's faithfulness in our marriage and Arnel's birthday differently.
We shared our heart and our love with others through service.
Together we served as servants for the Lord.
It was an amazing experience.
God scheduled everything for us.
His plan. His way. His time.
God revealed so many things in our hearts.
1. Humility - never did I thought that I will be able to help out in our church traffic and parking, but by God's grace He equipped me as I commit my work for Him.
It taught me how to be humble no matter what is the mood or the reaction of others.
And I remembered Jesus during this time.
"Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." - Matthew 20:28
"Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." - Matthew 20:28
2. Cheerful attitude - with all the sweat, and tiring feet that I had I was able to smile throughout my duty. Greeting each guest a Good Morning and giving directions with a smile. Cheerful and accomodating.
Then it hit me " How come I cannot do this at home whenever I am so tired?". I get easily irritated when I am exhausted but this time I was not, God showed me that I can be cheerful, accomodating and smile at my children even if my physical battery is at 10%. I realized when it is critically low, my spiritual battery should always be full tanked, this is how I can make it possible - To dwell in the Spirit.
This experience changed my heart, and my desire and prayer is for the Holy Spirit to fill my spiritual battery all the time by soaking myself with God's Word. To be cheerful and always smile even in my tiredness, this is an attitude that I can pass on to my children.
3. Helping others is a Blessing and a Privilege
Whenever there is an opportunity to serve 80% of the time we would say yes, our conviction is - it is always an honor and a privilege to serve the Lord.
"Being Servants means giving up the right to control your schedule and allowing God to interrupt it whenever He needs to. Servants see interruptions as divine appointments and are happy for the opportunity"
"We grow up in order to give out!
If you aren't serving, you're just existing because life is meant for ministry. God wants you to learn to love and serve others unselfishly." -Rick Warren, A Purpose Drive Life
If you aren't serving, you're just existing because life is meant for ministry. God wants you to learn to love and serve others unselfishly." -Rick Warren, A Purpose Drive Life
"Your hands shaped me and made me" - Job 10:8
4. Faithfulness - As servants, we serve for an audience of one.
No need to wait for appreciation or recognition from others, for God knows your heart and even the smallest service is important to Him. It is how we will be appreciated by the Lord and not by others.
5. The Heart of my Husband -
God never cease to work in our lives, on our first day to volunteer my name somehow got lost and I thought maybe I will not volunteer anymore. Then an opening came with his ministry and I was able to serve. It was my first time to see him in action after being with this ministry for more than 2 years. I was like where was I all along?
But I know that there is no accident, everything happens for a purpose. It was God's will.
Seeing the heart of my husband God made me realized how much he gives his heart whenever he is on duty. All his sweat and all his energy I can never imagine how can I do the same. It was an opportunity for me to connect with Arnel's heart. Then God spoke to me, husband and wife should serve together and as a helper to Arnel I should adjust to what he loves, for we are one.
First schedule that he had on his birthday was to serve, no hesitations and no second thoughts. It was scheduled 3 months back.
By God's grace, He still gave us the opportunity to be together as a family that day. His friend even made an announcement of his birthday which made everything different for him. I also had my simple surprise, God taught me that making your spouse feel special is an act of honoring him.
6. Service starts at home - one thing that Arnel is good at in our relationship is this language - Acts of Service. After 20 years, he still opens the door for me, carry my bag and massage my feet very well.
God revealed to me that it is in my family where service should start. I am poor in this department and that is the reason God allowed me to learn and see Arnel's heart of service. It is his gift and it is my task to help, encourage and support.
God revealed to me that it is in my family where service should start. I am poor in this department and that is the reason God allowed me to learn and see Arnel's heart of service. It is his gift and it is my task to help, encourage and support.
Few months back, I was once asked by my brother if there were instances that our children were neglected because of our willingness to serve. My answer then was No, it never happened because God never allowed it to happen. By His grace, He granted us the wisdom to be good stewards of our time.
7. Learnings
A lot of messages from the speakers to keep, share, to live out and to pass it on.
"We are over committed and under committed. We are so busy working for God that we tend to have no time with God"
The heart of Paul
His one passion: relationship
His one rule: execution
Rev. Edmund Chan
The heart of Paul
His one passion: relationship
His one rule: execution
Rev. Edmund Chan
"Suffering is necessary.
Be Humble. Be Teachable. Be Sincere" - Ravi Zacharias
Be Humble. Be Teachable. Be Sincere" - Ravi Zacharias
" Discipleship is a Relationship.The most important discipleship group we will ever have is our family." - Rev. Joey Bonifacio
"Bleedership - He gives you a target then later on you will be the target" - Dr. Sam Chand
You Family is your Ministry - Pastor Peter Tan Chi
At the end of my experience, I spoke to the Lord and said - " Lord, you are always worth it"
Then I remembered Jesus and how he humbled himself and served His disciples.
"Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you." - John 13:14-15
Who am I not to humble myself when my King died for me.
"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God not by works, so that no one can boast." - Ephesians 2:8-9
I never knew what true service is, until I surrendered my life to Jesus.
All Praise and Glory to God!
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I am a follower of Jesus, a wife, a mother of four boys, and a homeschooler.
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